Need some flowers?
Want to have the most beautiful wedding blooms imaginable?
Need to order a Sweetwater sweatshirt to ship to your sister because her birthday is next Wednesday and you kinda forgot?
Want to learn more about LITERALLY the cutest little flower shop in the world?
Head over to my favorite place & get ready to be inspired...
I founded Sweetwater in 2015 with nothing but a love of flowers and a passion for bringing people joy.
Today our company is an award-winning full-service flower shop + sought after wedding vendor across Michigan.
All of life's biggest moments deserve flowers & our team prides themselves on providing Sweetwater Magic in each and every transaction.
Our Walloon Lake shop is also home to our Terrarium Bar, curated houseplant selection & wonderful gifts + things you'll love. Head over to our website to learn more, shop online & plan your visit.
We'll see you in Walloon Lake.